Follow these steps to integrate Chargebee :
Go to the "Apps" section in the dashboard.
Navigate to Chargebee integration and click on the "Connect" button.
The integration window for connecting Chargebee will open up.
Next, Login to your Chargebee account.
In the left sidebar, click Settings > Configure Chargebee.
In the API keys and webhooks section, click API keys.
Click + Add API Key and select Full-Access Key. Or select the access key you would like to create.
In the Name the API Key field, enter the name for the API key.
Next, Click on Create Key.
Copy the API key value shown and paste it in the Swipe One integration window.
Add the site name in the Site Name field.
After that, click on the "Connect to Chargebee" button.
A pop-up will be displayed after successful connection.
After successful connection, Chargebee will be shown as "Connected β" in the Apps section.