Follow these step-by-step instructions to integrate Typeform :
Go to the "Apps" section in the dashboard.
Navigate to Typeform integration and click on the "Connect" button.
The integration window for connecting Typeform will open up.
Click on the "Connect using Webhook" button.
Type any suitable name for your form.
Then, click on the "Next" button.
You can also add any specific Tags to that form.
To do that, click on the "+ Add Tags" button.
Now, login to Typeform -> Go to My Workspace.
Click on the ellipsis option available in My New Form section, to open a menu.
Click on "Connect" option.
Next, Go to the "Webhooks" tab
Click on "Add a webhook" button.
A pop-up to paste the webhook URL will open up in Typeform.
Copy the webhook URL from Swipe One integrations tab.
And paste it in the input of Typeform.
Next, click on the "Save webhook" button.
After that, enable the webhook toggle to "Webhook ON"
Then, click on the "View Deliveries" button.
Next, click on "Send Test Request" button.
The Request / Response section will open up.
Click on the "Send test Request" button.
You will receive a Submission Received response in the Swipe One integration window, after a successful test request submission.
Next, click on the "Map Fields" button to map the fields.
Please note, Inclusion and mapping of the fields "Email address" and "First Name" is mandatory to complete the mapping.
Map your fields with precision and click on the "Done" button.
A pop-up will be displayed after successful connection.
After successful connection, Typeform will be shown as "Connected β" in the Apps section.