Use Case: The use-case presented in this document is to create a workflow to send marketing email when a customer from the "VIP Customer" segment places an order of value greater than $100.
Create a Workflow
Navigate to the Workflows section from the dashboard.
Click Create New Workflow, provide a workflow name and click on Next
Drag the Trigger node (Enters a Segment) onto the canvas from the side panel.
Choose the VIP Customers Segment from the dropdown list.
Click Save to set the trigger.
Drag the Condition node onto the canvas and connect it to the Trigger node using an arrow.
Configure the condition:
The workflow will now branch into Yes and No paths.
Drag the Action node (Marketing Email) onto the canvas
Connect the node to the Yes path of the Condition node.
Drag the End Workflow node onto the canvas.
Connect it to the Action node to mark the completion of the workflow.